Mechanical Life

Nemo Gould, Tom Haney and Joe Shea

The Anderson Gallery, October 15 - Nov 7/2013

The exhibition Mechanical Life brings three artists together who explore the boundaries between the lifeless and the living

Nemo Gould, Tom Haney and Joe Shea create their versions of a ‘modern Prometheus’ by mixing automata, found objects and human emotion into delicately crafted sculpture. Nemo Gould through scouring old and discard mechanical parts imbues a Golden Age sensibility to his mechanical tableaux’s. Tom Haney carefully handcrafts his figures and gearing into touching emotional moments and absurbities. Joe Shea creates a fully realised world of organic and mechanical hybrids from found material and delicate castings that illuminate and question the frailty that all life contains.

Reviews by BSU students of the Mechanical Life exhibition:

"Upon walking into the exhibit the viewer may feel as if he or she is walking into a
Tim Burton inspired toy store. Almost every piece of artwork has some movement or
-Sarah Newton

"Steampunk itself is relatively new although it borrows from past historical eras and stems from older works of speculative science fiction."
-Elizabeth Spear

"In millions of cartoons we are told to 'never press the red button!'"
-Meaghan Brady

A catalog of this exhibition is available for purchase.

The catalog has essays by Dayna Crozier of, Goli Mohammadi of Make and Jane Dagmi.
Printed with permission “Tradition Before Trend” by Jane Dagmi, 2013. Copyright [2013] by Jane Dagmi.
Reprinted with permission “A Feelings of Transience” by Dayna Crozier, 2012., 4.27.12, Copyright ©[2012] by Dayna Crozier
Reprinted with permission from “The Smart Gallery” by Goli Mohammadi, 2013. Make, Volume 34, page 36 - 37, Copyright © [2013] by Goli Mohammadi.