MARKA27 @marka_27
Born in Juarez, Mexico, and based in Boston, MA
Marka27’s foray into the art world began in the city’s streets mastering the art of graffiti. Advancing to earn his BFA from The Museum School of Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts, Marka27 became a household name for his “audio canvas” series, elaborately executed installation art and large scale murals across communities throughout the nation and internationally He has been featured in many lifestyle magazines/books such as Graffiti Planet, Burning New York, I am Plastic Too and made the cover of "Flux-Designer Toys.
PROBLAK @problak
Rob “Problak” Gibbs is a painter, muralist, graffiti artist and a Co-Founder and Paint Studio Director at Artist for Humanity. He grew up in Roxbury venturing between Lenox St. apartments and Orchard Park projects. From a young age, he had a vision of beautifying the ghettos of Boston with street art and gra_ti - an art form that is frequently over looked, undervalued and misunderstood. The concept thatbr /> a picture is worth an infinite amount of words inspires Rob and provides him with the opportunities to take ownership of one of our culture’s modern hieroglyphics.
Jeff Henriquez @jeffhenriquezart
Jeff Henriquez is a Brooklyn based full time artist currently working in the photo realist painting style. He received his BA in art in 1999 from Bradford College in Bradford, MA. Jeff got his start in the gallery scene with huge monochrome portraits of the homeless, and displaced. The emotion and pain captured in the faces of his subjects created strikingly dramatic and profound works that could hold one's attention even from a distance. Successful showings in D.C. at The Museum of Contemporary Art and La Casa de la Cultura in Boston led to shows in Atlanta, Georgia, Saint Petersburg, Florida, Miami and eventually, New York city.
SAGIE VANGALINA (emerging artist) @rastagranpa
Sagie Vangelina is a Boston-based artist and an Industrial Design student at Wentworth
Institute of Technology. Creating art has always been a calming agent in her life since childhood. Working creatively kept her motivated to exhibit her work. While furthering her passion and experimenting with different styles, her work currently shows her artistic journey through repetitive lines and shapes. She incorporates her appreciation for icons of color, inspirational artists, and activists.